Created on Jan 16, 2024 by Bran Hills

Em Dash, En Dash, or Hyphen?

What’s the difference?

Hyphen -

En Dash –

Em Dash —


You can find it on your keyboard as the Minus - sign. It’s used to link words or parts of words.

En Dash

You typically won’t find this on your keyboard without some custom configuration, but all high-quality typefaces include the En Dash as a punctuation mark.

Mac users: Option ⌄ + Hyphen -

Windows users: Windows Key + Period . to bring up your emoji picker, navigate to the symbols tab, click on the En Dash symbol to copy, then Ctrl + V to paste.

Adobe programs have proper shortcuts built-in. You can access the En Dash with Alt + Hyphen -

Em Dash

You typically won’t find this on your keyboard without some custom configuration, but all high-quality typefaces include the Em Dash as a punctuation mark.

Mac users: Option ⌄ + Shift shift + Hyphen -

Windows users: Windows Key + Period . to bring up your emoji picker, navigate to the symbols tab, click on the Em Dash symbol to copy, then Ctrl + V to paste.

Adobe programs have proper shortcuts built-in. You can access the Em Dash with Alt + Shift shift + Hyphen -