Catalyst for innovation and growth through design
Hi, I'm Bran! 👋
Work experience
Bran Hills Design Co.
Signature Signs
US Army
Champion's Mercantile
My core values
I am an information catalyst
My usefulness and ideas don't end with the edge of a screen. Sales, marketing, and product creation are all experiences to be designed. I stimulate and accelerate the flow and exchange of information. I play a vital role in initiating and facilitating the spread of knowledge and ideas.
I always embrace failure
I view failure as a necessary part of growth. Failure is inevitable. I choose to accept it with openness and resilience. It is a natural and valuable part of my journey for personal and professional growth.
Be the perpetual student
Continuous commitment to deep curiosity about the world around me. Learning is not just limited to a specific period or age, but is a life-long journey. It requires humility and a recognition that there is always more to learn, no matter the knowledge or expertise one has already acquired.
Strong opinions,
held weakly
This describes a mindset that encourages open-mindedness, flexibility, and a willingness to change perspectives. I have conviction in my beliefs while remaining open to new information, insights, and evidence that may challenge or contradict these beliefs. I can articulate and advocate my current understanding and viewpoints, but also acknowledge that I may be wrong or have more to learn.
I am a mesmerizing maker
This is a commitment to excellence in my craft. I strive to make my designs have a powerful impact. My design work goes beyond mere aesthetics and has the power to evoke strong emotions and leave a lasting impression.